22 September 2013

Top 5 iPhone Apps

With every iOS update comes a time to re-evaluate the apps on my phone.
It's a simple process- I go back through and think about the apps that I use on a daily basis and keep those. Any others, I delete. I don't worry about deleting them because Apple has made it so incredibly easy to hop on the App Store and re-download it in a pinch. And looking at a crowded home screen gives me anxiety, so delete-spree it is! 

So, here is my actual home screen post-cleanse. Yes, I only have one screen and I don't plan to get many more than that. The bottom row of apps houses my most commonly used apps, since they're easiest for my thumb to reach while cradling my phone in my hand. Anything involving typing or two hands I put in folders. It's really a very complex, thought out process. But it works and so I will accept that I might be crazy. Putting apps like Facebook and Twitter aside, I've narrowed my favorites down to a top 4 most frequented apps:

Flipboard gives you news you want in a simple, attractive format. I love that it allows me to bypass the humongous papers with lots of information that I don't want or need. The app compiles the types of news stories that I've chosen and it puts them in a magazine or flip-book format in which I can quickly read the articles, get what I need, and get done. If I want more information, I must only search a little harder. I find it extremely beneficial since I'm at college in what they call the "bubble". After only a couple of weeks at school I felt alienated from the current world, so I went on the hunt for a news app that would work to keep me updated without me having to search Google every morning for the headlines. Flipboard does a perfect job.

Pandora. It's been on my favorites list since the first day of having a smart phone. iOS7 tries to compete with the app with their iTunes Radio, but they don't quite get it. There are aspects of the Radio that I do like more than their Pandora counterparts, but Pandora is still winning out. I already have my stations and they know what I like. I also use Pandora on my computer and I have yet to update iTunes on my computer so it's still the universal music player for me. Spotify, on the other hand, has seen its final days on my phone.

Oyster is a tech startup that I am loving! I'm already reading the books and loving that I can pull up any book I want at any time. With the mornings being chillier, I've been taking the bus into campus and I love to get my seat and read a chapter or two. I can imagine that this app is going to get a lot of use from me, and at $9.95 a month I'd recommend it to anyone!

I use the Nike + Running app for... well, running. There's not much explanation needed other than the fact that it's changed so much in the last year and has become my #1 choice in running apps. I used to have 3 others but they were all deleted in this app. When it comes to workout gear, I'm a Nike girl all the way so I've been loving the challenges and developments they've made to the app.

Banking. So this isn't on my home page, but it is 100% necessary and used daily. I track my spending and saving here as well as budget for nights out, etc. I use the ELFCU app, just because that's the credit union I use. Most banks and unions have apps now and they're fantastic for checking your account on the go or cashing checks without waiting in line at the bank. 

Each person has their own group of apps that they love or use on a daily basis, and it's 100% dependent on your schedule and place in life. I'm not one of those people who is glued to my phone, but I like to have the technology right at my fingertips and it's extremely convenient to have everything organized and easy to find. If you're planning to "cleanse" your phone or home screen, one magnificent video I've run across shows you how to hide your apps- perfect for that Stocks app that you've never opened or the apps that you just don't want everyone getting into. They're still 100% accessible through your Spotlight Search, but don't have an actual icon. Perfect, right?

What are your favorite apps?

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