I've recently run across some of the greatest mashups/ acoustic versions of some great songs.
Hearing new versions of old favorites always gives me a fresh take on the artist or song. I've been loving "old" music lately... the stuff I haven't listened to in a few months or years, you know what I'm talking about. And thanks to youtube and tumblr, there are so many ways for artists to keep their fans entertained with these new versions. If you're looking for some new- old favorites, here's what I'm loving:
And, I can't seem to find a better way to link this... so
About 6 months ago, I was going through an early-life crisis.
I had just moved to school and it wasn't exactly what I had been anticipating. It seemed like everything was going the opposite of how I would have liked. I was being tested and tried every day; something was missing and I didn't know how to fix it. There was a point where I cam crying to my parents about how much I was hating my major. I seriously thought that I wanted to change from Pharmacy to something like journalism or law.
That is- first and foremost- what I have to say about this whole ordeal. They held me as I cried and told them that I was certain Pharmacy was not for me, and that a glamorous life of living in NYC and somehow getting the perfect internship (with no experience or prior interest in art, fashion, or literature) was actually feasible. Not to say that one shouldn't believe in themselves, but there's definitely a point at which the heart goes on a roll before the mind has a chance to catch up. But, once I spilled my heart out, they spoke words of encouragement and love into me. They reminded me that the lifestyle I wanted couldn't be sustained on a journalist's income, and that I was naturally gifted in the science fields. They reminded me of the work I did in high school to get to where I was and that I would, someday, become a great Pharmacist.
It wasn't what I wanted to hear. Not at all. But I took it to heart and agreed that I hadn't given Pharmacy the best of me yet. We made a deal- that I give the classes a bit more time, do some job shadowing, and see if I get to liking it any more. If, in a few months, I still hated the major and still wanted to be a writer they'd support me through whatever. It seemed like a good enough idea to me, and I went back to school with a new outlook-
Try it out.
I dove into learning about the different career paths. I contacted different pharmacists to set up job shadowing opportunities. I worked on making friends within my major. This made classes more fun and the job shadowing has actually gotten me so excited to learn more about actual pharmaceuticals and less about general education. I love being at school now, classes are challenging but interesting, and I obviously still love to write. I just use it as an outlet rather than my #1 thing that I do. Because, as much as I love it, I also love the art that I've found in Pharmacy. Organic Chemistry kicks my butt on a daily basis, but it is the most intricate, fascinating concept. The human body and the way is has been built is so complex and so beautiful, and there's something wonderful about knowing that I'll someday be able to understand all of its inter-workings and how I can use chemistry and biology to make the lives of others better.
Who knows where I'll be a year from now. I might have just been accepted to pharmacy school. I may have been accepted to more than one and have a big decision on my plate. I may have been rejected, in which case I'll be re-thinking everything. Life may test me and beat me down again in the near future, but for now I am content. I'm more than content- I'm happy. College is a blast and my classes are... interesting. Six months ago, I wasn't thinking this is where I would have wanted to be. But I think that actually giving college- all of it, from social to academic to spiritual- a chance was just what the doctor ordered.
I feel like I've really become obsessed with the idea of being inspired lately.
I have no idea why that is, but it's definitely helped me to enjoy school and get more done. I think using platforms like Tumblr and Instagram to see how other girls around my age find beauty in everyday items- flowers, glasses, and coffee- has inspired me to find my inner artist.
and, trust me, I am not very artistic. So I'd say it's been a good development in my life.
I've been loving pretty, spring pictures. The bright colors just make me happy... the beach pictures though, they've been making me pretty jealous. But, beyond that little annoyance (that I secretly love because I live vicariously through everyone I follow) it's been fun to take the images I've seen and see where beauty lies in and around my life.
From getting dressed in the morning to walking to class, I find myself constantly posing things. I lay them out, fold things to fit perfectly into the instagram frame. It's really getting crazy.. but it's oh so much fun. And it's not only my own pictures. Of course, I'm loving so many on the internet too.
I obviously really love food...
...and books
*not mine* but note to self when I do look nice for class- document it!
also *not mine* but... if only I had an interior this beautiful to photograph
I've never been one to take pictures... or ask to get my picture taken. I've been one to do things for necessity rather than for prettiness. But, that, my friends, is changing. And like all the other changes in my personality lately, I am fully embracing it.
Watch out, because "inspired Sarah" may be taking over.
It's no secret that living a dorm room is the ultimate challenge in personal organization. It's all about how much stuff one can fit into a room that's the size of a walk-in closet (seriously, my parents' closet is bigger than my dorm room...). Luckily, my room next year is going to be about 2.5 times bigger... hallelujah! And with new roommates and a whole lot more space, it's hard to not start planning for the next year.
I'm taking full advantage of the fact that I bought most of my "dorm necessities" last summer- the tv, printer, fridge, desk organizers... you get the idea. This next year is all about the cute accents. I've really gotten into jewelry and accessorizing this year. The problem is that I've now got my necklaces hanging on command hooks and my bracelets/earrings in a makeshift pile in my drawer. Not cute.
plus, isn't half the fun having your pretty jewels on display?
Luckily, a few of my favorite shops and boutiques have the perfect display options, from boxes to trays to plates, I can promise you that my jewelry will get the attention it deserves next year!
It's been a long time coming... especially since I've been struggling with how to manage two accounts on a less-than-friendly platform. But, I think I've got it figured out and have been having so much fun posing and editing pictures. Honestly, I think this account will get more attention than my personal- and that's saying something!
It's definitely a work in progress, but I'll be posting to it regularly. If you enjoy Purdue Prep on Blogger, Tumblr, and Twitter, now you can hop on Instagram, too!
I took a week off for my Spring Break, which I spent in sunny Los Angeles...
While I was there I saw, ate, and shopped a lot. Oh... and I took so many pictures! Of course I'm going to share some of my favorites here, as well as re-cap my trip a little bit! (get ready for picture overload)
So, the main purpose of this trip was to get some career exploration in- and I did! I was able to spend 3 full days with my cousin at a couple different clinics in the LA area. Having this much extended time, as well as being able to hear him talk about work-life balance and observe what he does outside of the 9-5 work day has been so valuable. Going into the week, I wasn't even 100% sure where he worked or what he did. I just knew that he is a pharmacist and works for a university out here in California... and I also knew that he didn't really teach. I found the clinical setting interesting and I like the way his day is structured. So, who knows? I might look into clinical pharmacy a little bit more!
But this was also my spring break, so Tommy made sure that I got to have some fun too! We did a hop-on-hop-off type of tour through Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and out to Santa Monica. I went to church with him on Sunday, and met some of his friends here. We went hiking one night, saw the Griffith Observatory, went shopping, and visited some very LA places!
the quickest picture in the history of pictures.. and it turned out alright!
the cutest bookstore.
the city from the Griffith Observatory... it went on as far as I could see!
One of my favorite things about lending a (good smelling) friend my clothes is their lingering scent when they give it back. It may sound weird, but we all love it. From when I was young and my blanket would still smell like Grandma's house when I came home to now when I take a guy's sweatshirt and it still smells like him... it's something that I absolutely love! It makes me want to not wash my clothes and just curl up with whatever it is that smells so heavenly. So, I got to thinking about what if I could have that all the time?
My first thought was Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue because it's a scent that I've tested multiple times at Sephora and love it every time! It's a little bit muskier than I'm used to, but that's the thing about cologne- it's not girly at all! Giorgio Armani has a similar set, called Aqua di Gioia, which I haven't tried but definitely plan to. And, the Burberry line has many his & hers sets that have the more masculine scents available for women.
Of course, becoming accustomed to those more masculine hints in the perfumes may take away the fun when it comes to stealing a sweatshirt (okay, probably not). It does defeat the purpose a little bit- I choose girly scents because I'm a girl. So I don't think I'd ever be able to transition over to one of these "muskier" scents for good- I love my Marc Jacobs and Chanel too much!
But for those days when I want to feel a little comfier in my own sweatshirt, some samples of these options may be fun to have on hand!
This spring break is a bit weird for me... a bit grown up.
For the first time in a very long time, I'm not going to the beach to relax for a week. I'm going to California to visit my cousin. Yes, he's a pharmacist and yes I will be shadowing him for some of my time there. That makes this a pretty grown up break to me since I have to dress business casual for much of my stay and won't be sleeping in every day.
There will be more details on what I will be doing in the next couple days, but for now I'm going to pretend that I'm preparing for a week in the surf and sand since that's more common. If that were the case, I definitely know exactly what some of my shopping would have been, as well as what I would have packed.
Luckily, I did a lot of pre-spring break shopping last year. I've also been building up my vacation wardrobe- don't ask why... I live in Indiana. But I'd definitely pack my Lilly Callahan shorts, a few of my shifts, and my Jacks for evenings. During the day, I'd plan on living in my bathing suit, sunnies, and a towel. A ball cap to keep the sun off my face and some reading material would definitely be in my beach bag (... oh and sunscreen!!)
Like I said, there's not a lot that I'd have left to buy. Each year my sister and I get a couple new swim suits... and this Lilly one caught my eye so that'd be top on my list. A cute tunic to wear over my suit- or with shorts- has been on my mind, too! I'm loving this Vineyard Vines Shep Shirt. It's so much fun and it'd be great to wear on chilly beach nights. A girl can never have too many pairs of chinos, and that's where J. Crew comes in :) The fedora is a J. Crew Factory find, too! Some beach accessories are always nice. A tumbler or koozie to hold my drinks are definitely a must when it comes to staying hydrated at the beach!
Ah, making this makes me want to be laying out right now!
But, that'll have to wait until the summer. I hope everyone who is going south has great weather and stays safe and healthy! Soak up the sunshine and the smell of the ocean!
I have always been a huge fan of shoes.
They have the ability to spice up the most "regular" outfit as well as totally complete a look. So there's no doubt that I was thrilled when I heard that SJP- the Queen- was going to release her own shoe line. It's all been hush hush since the announcement, but SJ is on a tour right now and looks have finally gone online. I'm drooling.
Life has been tossing me around a little bit lately... actually a lot bit. From getting my first outright F on an exam to not getting the leadership position that I really wanted and everything in between. Regardless, I've been trying to take life's hints and figure out just what it is that I'm supposed to be doing these six years at Purdue. Staying positive and almost asking life to show me how else it can screw up my plans has been what I've resorted to.
When it comes to academics, this semester- or just Organic Chemistry- is kicking my butt. This has been the first class where the information is 100% new to me, and it has been quite the adjustment. I failed the first exam, re-evaluated my study habits, and have been improving ever since. Which is a good thing. But this class is just going to haunt me for the entire semester... and the next.
The biggest "loop" I was thrown for was the Freshman Orientation Leader results- I thought I did great at the interview, had a great time, and was passionate about getting the position. But I didn't. I swore I would cry if I didn't get it. I didn't shed a tear. I looked at the bright side- an extra week of summer and I get to see One Direction in concert that week. And, this opens up my schedule to get more involved in PUDM (where I did get a position on the Merchandise Committee- yay!!) and *fingers crossed* a sorority!
I've found that this resolution to add something to my life has been so successful already. I try to embody happiness and positivity, and even though life isn't exactly leading me the way I'd like to be led, I'm still growing. I'm moving forward, even if it's in a different direction than I'd imagined. And I've learned that it's okay. Yes, being disappointed for a bit is okay. But there's a point where I need to take a deep breath and remember that I am great. That a single position, test grade, or (heaven forbid) boy doesn't define who I am or who I am going to be.
I'm going to adjust my sails, like the picture says, and take advantage of the way God is moving my life right now.
It's that time again- My Top 5 Picks for this past month...
I will confess that this may be more than a Top 5... but I've been trying so many new things that I just want to share them all! From the usual beauty products to some new things that I'm throwing in... this Top 5 might turn into a Top 8... or 10. We'll see ;)
Social Media: Twitter
Twitter is old news, yes. But it's become a huge part of my life these past couple months. Twitter is where I get my news. It's where I keep in contact with people from high school and get to know people at school or around the world. My personal account logged over 1,000 tweets in February. My promotional account for the blog hasn't been that active, but it's definitely a goal for me these upcoming months. The little bit of time I have been spending on the Purdue Prep twitter has allowed me to meet and get in contact with so many other bloggers, so hopefully being more active will help do that even more!
Music: Coldplay, Cole Swindell, and More
I know my dad probably isn't too happy about my recent music-buying binges. I've said it before and I'll say it again- spring is the best time to buy new music. So many artists are trying to get on the radar for the year, and this is no different. Country has my heart, and Mr. Swindell has taken the #1 spot for new album, but I'm also loving David Nail, Thomas Rhett, and Jason Aldean.
The ever fabulous Chris Martin & Coldplay also released the first single of their new album, and it's magical. Seriously, give it a listen. I tweeted that I'd donate an organ to see Coldplay live. I still hold true to that... Along the same lines is the new Fray album. Definitely worth a listen if you've got a chance.
If you're looking for something a little bit different to listen to, here's a video of a very sensual different song- it's French but it's just so catchy!
New Challenges: Saving Money
It's no secret that I'm really really bad at saving my money. I'm easily distracted by shiny and new, which isn't good for someone who doesn't exactly have an income. I took the month of February to cut the habit- 28 days of no online shopping. I cheated and browsed a little bit, but no money was spent. It was nice to see the number in my bank account had increased at the end of the month! And, now I have some spending money for Spring Break. :)
New Boutiques: Lauren James I didn't buy anything... (until March 4) but I did look. And I found Shop Lauren James after Caroline sent me a link on Pinterest. Let me just say that everything is so perfect. So, once my spending halt was off I had to get this shirt >>
Because, it is so me. And with warmer temperatures on the horizon, it's almost norts & tee weather!!!!
Perfume: Marc Jacobs Daisy
Dreaming of spring and warm weather inspired me to just embody spring- and what better way than Marc Jacobs Daisy? Its such a fresh, light scent and makes me feel instantly happier...
Snacks: Fresh Fruits
I have been trying desperately to get back to a healthy diet. Of course, it's almost impossible to turn down the dining court cookies, but I have been pretty good about keeping healthy snacks in my room. Almonds and pistachios are always good, but I recently discovered that the grocery stores on campus- that take dining dollars- have fresh fruit! Blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, yum! Since this discovery, I've tried to keep my refrigerator stocked so that I reach for those rather than the cookies that my family so generously sends.
With the regular season coming to an end this weekend, I have to mention it as a favorite. A majority of the college games were played during February and I did what I could to make it to at least half of every game and watch away games on tv. College basketball has always been a favorite of mine. It's fast-paced, energy is high, and there's just something about being in that stadium!!
The Gym / Tanning
I know I've talked a lot about going to the CoRec, but it's definitely been a favorite this past month. I think I was able to average 4 days a week- not bad when the main reason I don't go is because I don't want to walk in the cold to the gym (and I just think taking the bus there is silly). I've gone with friends and alone. I've tried new exercises, met new people, and overall just had a great time! Along with that, I started tanning too. Which, I know I know, tanning is baaaaaad for me. There are lots of things that are bad for me that I still partake in. And I'm sorry, but if I don't tan before it gets sunny I will burn and it will be horrible. So it's mostly precautionary. But it's also nice to see the freckles come back and get some color back in my complexion.
February was certainly a month of favorites and trying new things. For a short month, I managed to pack a lot into it. It was cold and miserable, but it's now over and (hopefully) this next month will bring warmth and lots of new favorites!