18 November 2014


In today's technology-driven age, journaling has taken a back seat to tweeting and updating statuses. In essence, they aren't completely different. The mind associates memories with the senses, so going back and reading old statuses and tweets can and does bring up memories. I jokingly say that my twitter is a source for the writer of my future biography, which isn't necessarily false. But I've been reading so many biographies and autobiographies lately and they all reference personal journals, something that I had just kind of forgotten about.

I used to keep so many journals. I'd journal my trips, the boys I liked, what I did each day. Essentially, I was a 30 year old woman as a kid. But I love going back and reading through those. They're my personal thoughts about each day or experience I had. Key word there- personal. Nobody else was seeing what I put in there, and that's what makes all the difference. Personal reflection is good and doesn't always need to be shared with the Twitter-verse.

On the flip side, journaling is a commitment! I don't want to look back and think "hey, I skipped this day! I wonder what was going on!" How sad is that? So, in an effort to not skip any days I just didn't journal at all. ever. Even more sad.... until I saw this new method that I just love!

Rose. Bud. Thorn. Okay so maybe I'm just way behind the curve or something and this is a well-known way to journal. But I read about it and just loved it! Firstly, my middle name is Rose, so it was kinda made for me ;). But seriously, all it is is this: each day you write down three things from that day.
Rose- for the good. 
Bud- for something you're anticipating or is to come. 
Thorn- for the bad. 

Perfect, am I right? It's seriously so easy and now I just keep my journal on my desk and try to write an entry each night as I wrap up doing my homework. 

A big You're Welcome to the writer of my future biography. 

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