29 January 2014

Wish List Wednesday: Beautiful Books

I've been making a huge point to read more.

Instead of sitting on my phone in the (awkward) time between classes or looking through my Tumblr feed before bed, I've been making myself read. With my new iPad, it's been so easy to download a book and have it with my at all times- there's something about reading on my iPhone that I just didn't like. I still love the look and feel of actual books and make sure I have at a physical book to read at all times, too. So, yes, I am the girl who might be reading 2 or 3 books at a time... plus my assignments. 

One might think that I'd get sick of reading so much but that is so so wrong. In fact, I'm never not adding new books to my GoodReads "To- Read" list or my Amazon wishlist. Oyster makes it too easy to see and book and download it right then and there for free (or a pre-paid fee but still...). But, with everything moving to digital, I have this fear that I won't have a library in my future home. What if I don't have a room full or great books and coffee tables stacked with inspiring coffee-table books? I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but there's no doubt that we aren't approaching a paperless age.

I guess that means that my recent obsession with coffee-table books and pretty covers is just me planning ahead... right? Even though I don't have a coffee table and I've run out of room on my bookshelves at home, my wish list keeps growing. Here are some that I'm loving right now.

recent obsession with Chanel... 

Fitzgerald + Metallics... so much is right in this

new obsession with Grace too...

still haven't bought this one yet

I could go on and on and on. 
The way I justify this love of mine is that books open up worlds to me- they make me a better, more well rounded woman. Unlike watching TV or being on my phone, my parents love that I love to read. 

I love getting lost in a world and I can only pray that paper will make it long enough for me to build a house and have the greatest personal library

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