You may have a list of resolutions or new things to try this year...
Or, if you're like me, you've dedicated 2014 to a theme that will hopefully result in a better you. Regardless of how the New Year is celebrated for you, there's no doubt that it brings about an air of newness- of being refreshed. It's a 365-day chapter of your life that can end up being whatever you want it to be.
For me, I'm trying to be more positive. I've come to notice that I become more positive and inspired through the stories of others. I enjoy hearing about the accomplishments of others and how life has carried them- it gives me hope that my immense goals may not be that unrealistic. How do I hear these stories? Mostly through books. Inspiring books. Self-Help books. Memoirs. Biographies. These books leave me feeling strong and inspired, while also giving me a way to relax without feeling like I am "wasting time"... Because, with a good book no time is wasted.
No matter what your New Year resolution or theme may be, there is certainly an inspiring book for you to dive into. I've already mentioned The One Hundred by Nina Garcia, which is the perfect fun & informational read for the fashion conscious woman. But I've quickly moved on and have a few books that I will be using to "Read" In the New Year (get it?... instead of "ring"?).
1. Smart Marathon Training by Jeff Horowitz
Part of my 21 Before 21 list is to run a half marathon. It's been a goal of mine since I started running a few years ago, but I never knew how to prepare myself. Working in high school made it hard for me to balance school and extracurriculars, let alone take 8-, 10-, or 12-mile long runs. I recently discovered a Run Club at Purdue that I'm confident could help me train for a 13.1-miler, but as the nerd that I am, I like to read about it and let the tips of an expert sink in. Also, because there's currently a foot of snow outside and running isn't safe... so I'll stick to reading about running until I can hit the pavement again.
2. The End of Overeating by David Kessler
Overeating is so easy in the dining courts. I can get as many plates of really good food as I want for one meal swipe. I could sit with friends for hours, going back for "one more" cookie. And that, my friends, is how the Freshman 15 20 happens. I saw this book on Oyster and immediately downloaded it. It could be life-changing or I could end up laughing after the first chapter... but anything that might calm my intense sweet-tooth is worth trying out!
3. Smile at Strangers by Susan Schorn
The second half of 2013 was life-changing for me. I stepped way out of my comfort zone and began to love the outgoing, sassy me that I'd always hid away. This book claims that it can teach the "art of living fearlessly"... which I'm not sure I believe can be taught. But it's sure to give some good ideas for being more spontaneous and embracing life outside of the comfort zone, which I'm sure we would all benefit from.
So, these are a few of the books I'll be reading to inspire my Year of Positivity and help me reach the personal growth that I so want this coming year.
What better way to ring in the year than with huge plans and a pile of books to help accomplish those plans?
What better way to ring in the year than with huge plans and a pile of books to help accomplish those plans?
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