I will confess that this may be more than a Top 5... but I've been trying so many new things that I just want to share them all! From the usual beauty products to some new things that I'm throwing in... this Top 5 might turn into a Top 8... or 10. We'll see ;)
Social Media: Twitter
Twitter is old news, yes. But it's become a huge part of my life these past couple months. Twitter is where I get my news. It's where I keep in contact with people from high school and get to know people at school or around the world. My personal account logged over 1,000 tweets in February. My promotional account for the blog hasn't been that active, but it's definitely a goal for me these upcoming months. The little bit of time I have been spending on the Purdue Prep twitter has allowed me to meet and get in contact with so many other bloggers, so hopefully being more active will help do that even more!
Music: Coldplay, Cole Swindell, and More
I know my dad probably isn't too happy about my recent music-buying binges. I've said it before and I'll say it again- spring is the best time to buy new music. So many artists are trying to get on the radar for the year, and this is no different. Country has my heart, and Mr. Swindell has taken the #1 spot for new album, but I'm also loving David Nail, Thomas Rhett, and Jason Aldean.
The ever fabulous Chris Martin & Coldplay also released the first single of their new album, and it's magical. Seriously, give it a listen. I tweeted that I'd donate an organ to see Coldplay live. I still hold true to that... Along the same lines is the new Fray album. Definitely worth a listen if you've got a chance.
If you're looking for something a little bit different to listen to, here's a video of a very
New Challenges: Saving Money
It's no secret that I'm really really bad at saving my money. I'm easily distracted by shiny and new, which isn't good for someone who doesn't exactly have an income. I took the month of February to cut the habit- 28 days of no online shopping. I cheated and browsed a little bit, but no money was spent. It was nice to see the number in my bank account had increased at the end of the month! And, now I have some spending money for Spring Break. :)
New Boutiques: Lauren James

Because, it is so me. And with warmer temperatures on the horizon, it's almost norts & tee weather!!!!
Perfume: Marc Jacobs Daisy
Dreaming of spring and warm weather inspired me to just embody spring- and what better way than Marc Jacobs Daisy? Its such a fresh, light scent and makes me feel instantly happier...
Snacks: Fresh Fruits
I have been trying desperately to get back to a healthy diet. Of course, it's almost impossible to turn down the dining court cookies, but I have been pretty good about keeping healthy snacks in my room. Almonds and pistachios are always good, but I recently discovered that the grocery stores on campus- that take dining dollars- have fresh fruit! Blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, yum! Since this discovery, I've tried to keep my refrigerator stocked so that I reach for those rather than the cookies that my family so generously sends.
With the regular season coming to an end this weekend, I have to mention it as a favorite. A majority of the college games were played during February and I did what I could to make it to at least half of every game and watch away games on tv. College basketball has always been a favorite of mine. It's fast-paced, energy is high, and there's just something about being in that stadium!!
The Gym / Tanning
I know I've talked a lot about going to the CoRec, but it's definitely been a favorite this past month. I think I was able to average 4 days a week- not bad when the main reason I don't go is because I don't want to walk in the cold to the gym (and I just think taking the bus there is silly). I've gone with friends and alone. I've tried new exercises, met new people, and overall just had a great time! Along with that, I started tanning too. Which, I know I know, tanning is baaaaaad for me. There are lots of things that are bad for me that I still partake in. And I'm sorry, but if I don't tan before it gets sunny I will burn and it will be horrible. So it's mostly precautionary. But it's also nice to see the freckles come back and get some color back in my complexion.
February was certainly a month of favorites and trying new things. For a short month, I managed to pack a lot into it. It was cold and miserable, but it's now over and (hopefully) this next month will bring warmth and lots of new favorites!
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